Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes

June 19, 1996

Board met in Regular Session 7:30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty
Diane E. St. Laurent
William M. Purdin
F. Reed Cutting, Jr.
Anthony M. Sasso, Administrator

HARBORS AND WATERS BOARD. The members of the Board of Selectmen recognized Terrence Magrath for his volunteer work for the Town, particularly his seven years as an active member of the Harbors and Waters Board. Chairman McNulty presented him with a proclamation signed by the Board.

MINUTES. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of June 12, 1996. All in favor.

MBTA ADVISORY BOARD. Motion made and seconded to appoint Donald Flynn to the MBTA Advisory Board. All in favor.

FRIENDS OF THE PATH. Letter read from Jim Matthiesen as it relates to the nature path along the old railroad bed and the work being done around it by the Tower School. Mr. McNulty indicated that only walking traffic will be allowed across the path.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Terry Soule, Captain of the Marblehead Artillery Company, to conduct the annual firing of cannon from Fort Sewall on Thursday, July 4, 1996, from 11 :30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in celebration of Independence Day. All in favor

NYNEX. Motion made to continue the public hearing as it relates to a request by NYNEX to place a pole on Munroe Road until the conclusion of the meeting.

Spirit of '76. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Glenn Daly, Director of Communications, Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, to use the Spirit of '76 to accompany the conference theme of the American Probation and Parole Association and New England Council on Crime and Delinquency for their 1997 Annual Training Institutes on August 17-20, 1997 and to waive the fee, subject to the usual credits being given. All in favor.

BOARD OF HEALTH. Chairman McNulty notified the pub]ic that the Marblehead and Swampscott Boards of Health will hold Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days on Saturday, June 22nd, and 29th, rain or shine. Marblehead will conduct its collection on June 22 at the Mary Alley Municipal Building between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required by calling 1-800-282-0058, ext. 6300.

FINANCE COMMITTEE. The following citizens were interviewed for three positions available on the Finance Committee: Robert Hamond, Barton Hyte, Cheryl Zeuli, Dale Coxe, Kathleen Leonardson, Karl Smith, Steve Kauffman, Douglas Emond and Joseph Kray. Motion made and seconded to place all the names in nomination. On the first round for the first slot, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, Karl Smith; Mr. Purdin, Cheryl Zeuli; Mrs. St. Laurent, Dale Coxe; Mr. Conly, Dale Coxe; Mr. McNulty, Dale Coxe. Ms. Coxe was appointed to the Finance Committee with a term to expire in May 1999. On the first round for the second slot, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting; Karl Smith; Mr. Purdin, Cheryl Zeuli; Mrs. St. Laurent, Cheryl Zeuli; Mr. Conly, Karl Smith; Mr. McNuIty, Barton Hyte. On the second round for the second slot, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, Karl Smith; Mr. Purdin, Cheryl Zeuli; Mrs. St. Laurent, Cheryl Zeuli; Mr. Conly; Karl Smith; Mr. McNulty, Barton Hyte. On the third round for the second slot, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, Karl Smith; Mr. Purdin, Cheryl Zeuli; Mrs. St. Laurent, Cheryl Zeuli; Mr. Conly, Karl Smith; Mr. McNulty, Mr. Emond. On the fourth round for the second slot, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, Karl Smith; Mr. Purdin, Cheryl Zeuli; Mrs. St. laurent, Cheryl Zeuli; Mr. Conly, Karl Smith, Mr. McNulty, Karl Smith. Karl Smith was appomted to the Finance Committee with a term to expire in May 1999. Further interviews will be conducted on July 2nd.

BUILDING COMMISSIONER. Motion made and seconded to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract for the painting of the Selectmen's Offices and the Town Clerk's Offices. All in favor.

TRAFFIC AND SAFETY. Motion made and seconded that parking should be allowed on the Southeast side of Kimball Street as it exists, parking on the Northwest side of Kimball Street should start at existing parking sign westerly down to the end of Nahant Street for a thirty-day trial period. All in favor. Motion made and seconded to eliminate the two hour parking ban on Ocean Avenue with a 12 a.m. to 7 a.m restriction for a thirty-day trial period. All in favor. Motion made and seconded to prohibit parking on the Southwest side of Nahant Street from the driveway to Ocean Avenue for a thirty-day trial period. All in favor.

PERMISSION. NYNEX. Motion made and seconded to deny the request of NYNEX to place a pole on Monroe Road as no representative from NYNEX was present. The hearing must be readvertised for a future date.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. All in favor.

Patricia D. Charbonnier
Administrative Aide

* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office. Marblehead_Nws-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change or comment. Any corrections, comments or additions should be EMailed to, and they will be published within a few days.

Selectmen's Minutes Index

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