Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes

April 17, 1996

Board met in Regular Session 7:30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty, Chairman
William E. Conly
Robert F. Peck, Jr.
William M. Purdin

Anthony M. Sasso, Town Adminstrator

PERMISSION. Marblehead Festival of Arts. Robert Macomber appeared before the Board to request permission for the Marblehead Festival of Arts to use Abbot HalL the Old Town House, Abbot Hall Upper Training Field, Fort Sewall and to close offparts of Washington Street for a Street Festival as outlined in his letter to the Board dated April 16, 1996. The dates ofthe Marblehead Arts Festival are Thursday through Sunday, July 4 - 7. Portions of Wa~hington Street will be closed for the Street Festival on Sunday, July 7th from 11:00 a.m. to ~:00 p.~ Motion made and seconded to approve these requests subject to the usual fees and certificate of insurance.

MARBLEEIEAD LIGHTTOWER. Selectman Conly announced that the switch at Marblehead Lighttower Station was turned on 100 years ago today. William Healey ofthe U. S. Post Office, and Ray Smith, Commodore of the Marblehead Yacht Club, appeared before the Board to announce that on August 12, 1996, at the Marblehead Yacht Club, the U. S. Post Offlce will cancel domestic stamps with a Marblehead Lighttower cancellation stamp. The Post Office will hold the cancellation stamp for 30 days. Mr. Conly thanked Ted Drengo of the U. S. Coast Guard, Lou Regilio ofthe U. S. Post Office who designed the stamp, and Mrs. Marion Gosling of the Marblehead Historical Commission for their help.

COUNCIL ON AGING. Motion made and seconded to accept with regret the resignation of Susan Wheeler from the Board of the Council on Aging.

Interview. Joan Terry interviewed before the Board for one ofthe two vacant slots on the Council on Aging Board. Further interviews will be conducted on May 1, 1996.

MINUTES. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 10, 1996.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Motion made and seconded to approve Police Chief Palmer's request to have Officer Ronald Shelton return to work on April 21, 1996. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to refer Morgan Memorial's request to place a donation center at the recycling facility on Beacon Street to the Board of Health. All in favor.

LICENSE. Street Vendors. Letter read from Shannon Ferreira, Manager of the Kitchen Witch Eatery at 78 Front Street, relative to the issue of street vendors, peddlers and hawkers in the Town of Marblehead. Motion made and seconded to have Selectmen Peck research this and report back to the Board.

CABLE TV OVERSIGHT COMMlTTEE. Motion made and seconded to refer two Bulletins from the Massachusetts Cable Television Commission to the Cable TV Oversight Committee. All in favor.

NORTH SHORE REGIONAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL. ChaiIman McNulty will report back to the Board next week relative to a letter received from Michael Woods, Town Administrator of Nahant, as it pertains to the large increase in fees charged by the North Shore Regional Vocational School.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Virginia Boylan of the Marblehead Arts Association to use the Old Town House on Saturday, November 23, 1996, and Sunday, November 24, 1996 subject to the usual fees and Certificate of Insurance. All in favor.

WIRE INSPECTOR. Motion made and seconded to have the Wire inspector approve any and all occupancies in the Old Town House. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Charles D. Sinclair, Race ChaiIman of the Gerry 5 Club Annual Bike Race, to serve beer in plastic cups only to race applicants along with food and soft drinks from the hours of 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 1996 at the Gerry Playground subject to providing the Town wIth liquor liability insurance. The Board voted 3 in favor with Mr. Conly opposed.

LICENSE. One-day Alcohol. Marblehead Festival of Arts. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of the Marblehead Festival of Arts for a one-day Alcohol License for the Champagne Reception on Sunday, June 30th, at Fort Sewall between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. subject to the usual fees and certificate of insurance.

Motion made and seconded to adjoum at 8:34 p.m. All in favor.

Patricia D. Charbonnier
Administrative Aide

* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office. Marblehead_Nws-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change or comment. Any corrections, comments or additions should be EMailed to, and they will be published within a few days.

Selectmen's Minutes Index

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