Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes

March 12, 1997

Board met in Regular Session 7.30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty, Chairman
William E. Conly
Diane E. St. Laurent
William M. Purdin
F. Reed Cutting, Jr.

Anthony M. Sasso, Town Administrator
MARBLEHEAD HIGH SCHOOL. Senior Class Carnival. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Laura Goldman and Heidi Fernandez to hold the annual Senior Carnival on May 5th - 10th, 1997. All in favor.

HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Request for transfer. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Surveyor of Highways, William McLaughlin, to appear before the Finance Committee to request a transfer of $62.00 to be applied to Article 23, 1997 - Purchase of Equipment All in favor.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Revenue Officer. Naomi McIver, Revenue Offcer, appeared before the Board seeking permission to accept the bid of Baybank N. A. for a Bond Anticipation Note. Motion made and seconded to accept the bid of Baybank N. A at the rate of 4.50 to borrow $175,000 for a Bond Anticipation Note from March 14, 1997 to April 25, 1997. All in favor.

GOLDTHWAIT RESERVATION ASSOCIATION. Letter read from Jack Attridge, President of the Goldthwait Reservation Association, informing the Board about the recent completion of The Goldthwait Reservation's restoration project. Motion made and seconded to send a letter of thanks to The Sweetwater Trust who provided a generous grant for this project. All in favor.

CONTRACT. EBS Foran. Motion made and seconded to authorize Chairman McNulty to sign for the Board, a contract with EBS Foran of Boxfield, Massachusetts in the amount of $7,500.00, to undertake a study of the Town's health insurance. All in favor.

LICENSE. Common Victualler. Harbortown Cafe. (This portion of the meeting is on audio cassette.) George Harrington and Attorney John Doonan appeared before the Board to request a Common Victualler license to operate the Harbortown Cafe at 18 Sewall Street. Hours will be Monday through Saturday, 4:30 p.m. to midnight; Sunday, 11 a.m. to midnight. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, in favor, Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mrs. St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Conly, in favor; Mr. McNulty, in favor.

LICENSE. All Alcoholic Beverage as Common Victualler. Transfer from Rosalie Harrington, d/b/a Rosalie's Restaurant, Inc. 18 Sewall Street to George Harrington, d/b/a Harbortown Cafe. (This portion of the meeting is on audio cassette.) George Harrington and Attorney John Doonan appeared to request a transfer of license from Rosalie Harrington, d/b/a Rosalie's Restaurant, Inc. to George Harrington, d/b/a Harbortown Cafe. There was no opposition. Mr. McNulty noted the Bankruptcy Court has given authorization for this transfer if it so chooses. Employees will be TIPS trained. On a polled vote, the Board voted as foll.ows: Mr. Cutting, in favor; Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mrs. St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Conly, in favor; Mr. McNulty, in favor.

LICENSE. All Alcoholic Beverage. Rosalie's Restaurant. Motion made and seconded to cancel the Continuation of Rosalie's Restaurant Cancellation Hearing scheduled for March 19, 1997. All in favor.

CLOUTMAN'S BOAT YARD. Assistant Town Counsel, Mary Ellen Walsh-Rogalski appeared before the Board regarding a letter received from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection concerning the 1986 removal of an underground gasoline storage tank at the former Cloutman's Boat Yard. According to DEP records, this remains an active site. Additional testing and perhaps, remedial action will be required to bring this property into compliance with chapter 21E of the General Laws. Ms. Walsh-Rogalski recommended that the Town retain a Licensed Site Professional to evaluate the site and prepare the necessary DEP filings. Motion made and seconded to adopt Ms. Walsh-Rogalski's recommendation and to authorize Mr. Sasso, the Harbor and Waters Board, the Harbormaster and any other interested parties work together to resolve this matter. All in favor.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Jonathan E. Lunt, David Ostrovitz, Cary A. Gaynor and Scott T. Murray were interviewed for Permanent Intermittent Police Officers. The remaining candidates will be interviewed on March 19th. Appointments will be made effective at that time.

RECREATION, PARKS AND FORESTRY DEPARTMENT. Letter was read from Tom Hamond, Superintendent of the Recreation, Park and Forestry Department. requesting the Board have George Snow, Finance Director, further investigate and implement a program to accept credit cards for the payment of Recreation and Parks and Council on Aging programs. All in favor.

A letter from Tom Hamond requests that Town officials obtain information from Department Heads prior to raising issues in public hearings.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Motion made to appoint three of the Permanent Intermittent Police Officers as recommended by the Police Chief. After some discussion, motion was made and seconded to table the appointments until next week. All in favor.

RETIREMENT BOARD. Chairman McNulty reviewed the Opinion from Counsel Marc Miller regarding the payment of a stipend to the Town Accountant. It states that there was no impropriety on the part of the Town Accountant. The money was paid without benefit of an appropriate vote at Town Meeting action, however, Counsel believes that this was done without any malice of forethought.

Motion made and seconded that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss strategy witll respect to collective bargaining, votes may be taken, and if they are, votes will be released at a time deemed appropriate by Counsel, not to resume in open session. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, in favor; Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mrs. St. Laurent; in favor Mr Conly, in favor; Mr. McNulty, in favor. Board adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Christine M. Morgan

* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office. Marblehead_News-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change or comment. Any corrections, comments or additions should be EMailed to, and they will be published within a few days.

Selectmen's Minutes Index

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