Marblehead Magazine
Around the World

Our loyal readers are also travelers. They often take us with them and proudly
have their picture taken holding us in famous world spots. If you don't have a
copy, we will lend you one.

You can take the girls away from Marblehead,
but you can't take the Marblehead Magazine away from the girls!
Just ask Leah (l.) and Rachel Farahbakhsh (r.),
pictured here visiting the Grand Canyon National Park.

Marbleheader Eric Winick in front of Windsor Castle in England
-- this is the section of the castle that did not burn

Marblehead Magazine made it to the Canadian Rockies with the Gay family.
Left to right: Cousin Daniel, Jim Gay, Timmy, Abigail, Betsy, and Jon.

Ray Abbott, former advertising salesperson for Marblehead Magazine,
took along a copy of the magazine when he traveled to Sweden recently.
Did you sell any ads Ray?