History Of Important
Marblehead Votes
1961: a special Town Meeting defeats a $1 million
high school renovation plan. 1964: Town Meeting defeats a million-dollar plus school expansion plan. 1968: School officials begin studying ways to convert the junior high on Village Street to a High School facility. The program would have involved construction of new classrooms, a new gymnasium, auditorium, cafeteria, and field house. The high school would then be used as a middle school to serve grades six, seven and eight. 1970: School officials recommend a $5 milion plan, but critics of the plan said building a new high school would be a better plan. 1971: Town Meeting votes no on the new high school. Study resumes. The Town did vote to take the Sevinor Property at Tents corners by imminent domain ($400,000), for "school purposes." 1972: Town Meeting defeats a $10 million bond issue for the construction of a new high school, which included a 65% reimbursement from the state of construction costs. Four building committee members and the Chairman resigned. Study resumes. 1974: School building plans defeated twice. First at Annual Town Meeting and again at a special May Town Meeting. Study resumes. 1975: the School Committee reserves space on the annual Town Warrant for a feasibility study for the addition of a new wing at the high school, or the conversion of a elementary school into a high school annex. Defeated at Town Meeting. Study resumes. 1976: New plans are unveiled for multi-million dollar renovations to the high school, including construction over the center court, and adding another floor. Passed by Town Meeting. 1999: Marblehead voters ovewhelmingly approve the construction of a new $43 million high school to be be built on the Sevinor land, with 61% reimbursement by the state. 2003: (June 16th Special Election on Overrides) Question 1: Shall the Town of Marblehead be allowed to assess an additional $185,800.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for purposes of expenses related to assessment engineering, remediation and closure of the old ash landfill under Article 10 of the 2003 Annual Town Meeting for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand and three? Yes 62.67%
Question 2: Shall the Town of Marblehead be allowed to assess an additional $100,000.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for purposes of remodeling, reconstructing, and making extraordinary repairs to existing town building under Article 22 of 2003 Annual Town meeting for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand and three? Yes 67.17%
Question 3: Shall the Town of Marblehead be allowed to assess an additional $1,381,016.71 in real estate and personal property taxes for purposes of supplemental expenses of several departments under Article 56 of the 2003 Annual Town Meeting for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand and three? Yes 62.67%