Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes
January 24, 1996
Board met in Regular Session 7:30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall
Present (constituting a quorum):
Thomas A. McNulty, Chairman
William E. Conly
Diane E. St. Laurent
Robert F. Peck, Jr.
William M. Purdin
Anthony M. Sasso, Town Adminstrator
CAPITAL PLANNING COMMITTEE. Motion made and seconded as requested
by the Capital Planning Committee to submit an article to the Annual Town
Meeting that will amend the Capital Planning Bylaw.
Sewall & Bowden 1/27/96
Sewall Street. Motion made and seconded to make permanent the parking restrictions
on Sewall Street as recommended at the meeting ofthe Board of Selectmen
held on July 12, 1995. All in favor.
TAX COLLECTOR. Chairman McNulty reminded all citizens that third
quarter Fiscal
Year 1996 Real Estate taxes are due in the Tax Collector's office no later
than 5 p.m. on February 1, 1996. Postmarks will not be accepted.
Dolphin Yacht Club 1/27/96
Letter from Robert M. Strasnick, Rear Commodore ofthe Dolphin Yacht Club
was read. This letter is in response to the letter of December 29, 1995
from Barbara Ingber, Manager of the Glover Landing Condominium Trust.
LICENSE. All Alcoholic. Rio Grande Cafe. Letter read from the Massachusetts
State Lottery Commission advising the Board of Selectmen that a license
application for Keno has been filed by Rio Grande Cafe.
PERMISSION. Signs. Marblehead Power Squadron. Motion made and seconded
to approve the request of the Marblehead Power Squadron to place signs at
three locations announcing their Basic Boating Course on February 5, 1996.
All in favor.
POLICE DEPARTMENT. Indemnification. Motion made and seconded to indemnify
Officer Kenneth Nickerson regarding case #143624 effective January 23, 1996,
and that he be allowed to return to full duty on Saturday, January 27, 1996.
All in favor.
Bubier Road. 5P.M. 1/26/96
Sherman Eidelman, Chairman ofthe Traffic and Safety Committee appeared to
discuss parking on Bubier Road. After a brief discussion, motion was made
and seconded to rescind the temporary no parking restrictions: parking limited
from Pleasant Street to Atlantic Avenue I hour 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. School
Days. All in favor. Motion was made and seconded to have no parking northeast
side a distance of ninety feet southeasterly from the intersection of Pleasant
Street. All in favor. Motion was made and seconded to have no parking northwest
side a distance of eighty feet southeasterly from the intersection of Pleasant
Street. All in favor. Parking limits are in effect for a trial period of
ninety days.
Ware Lane.
Discussion was held concerning Ware Lane which runs adjacent to the Eveleth
School. This is a private way ... the Town has no jurisdiction over the
way. The Board of Selectmen asked Town Administrator Sasso to work with
the School Department to have the School Committee make suggestions to the
Hines Court.
New stop sign at Hines Court
Mr. Eidelman suggested the placement of a stop sign at the intersection
of Hines Court, Norman Street and Calthrope Road. Motion made and seconded
for approval. All in favor.
Snow Removal - Chapter 90 Funds. Motion made and seconded that the
Board send a letter to Representative Peterson and Senator Clancy that we
are insistent upon the formula for Snow Removal Chapter 90 Funds be fair
and equitable, not based on population, and that those communihes that level
funded their snow removal budgets not be penalized. All in favor.
LICENSE. Wine & Malt. Motion made and seconded to schedule two
cancellation hearings on March 6, 1966. All in favor.
Motion made and seconded that the Board go into Executive Session to discuss
strategy with respect to pending litigation, and collective bargai~ing,
votes may be taken, and if they are, votes will be released at a time deemed
appropriate by CounseL not to resume in open session. On a polled vote,
the Board voted as follows: Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mr. Conly, in favor; Mrs.
St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Peck, in favor; and Mr. McNulty, in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Patricia D. Charbonnier
Administrative Aide
* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office.
Marblehead_Nws-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change
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Selectmen's Minutes Index
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