Photography Archives
January Photos
Photos by Bill Purdin
Click on some photos for larger images.
Tedesco Street in the '00 storm
(1) Just an ordinary January afternoon on State Street.
(2) South and Middle Streets, looking at the "Flatiron" House.
(3) Abbot Hall from Front Street in mid-January.
(1) Little Harbor Masts
(2) Looking upharbor from Front Street. Water temperature: 38 degrees.
(3) Just sitting and watching. It's easy to do.
(1) Skating on Black Joe's Pond on January 1, 2000.
(2) Looking upharbor from the Landing Float on Sunday.
(3) From Fuller Lane, looking northerly toward Point o' Rocks.

Low tide in a little cove near Winter Island.
(1) Sheri & Whitney Shattuck with Baldy Hathaway enjoying an old Marblehead
tradition: talking in traffic and enjoying it. (2) The Estuary on January 17, 1999.
(3) Children's Island from Fort Beach in the late P.M. Chandler Hovey Light is on the right.
(1) Willy On The Web enjoying the weather. (2) Frostbiters sailing in Marblehead Harbor.
(3) The Corinthian Yacht Club in winter (1/17/99).
Seems a shame to have it closed on such a nice day.
(1) Officer Ron, in his biking gear, directing traffic at Headquarters.
(2) The Estuary yesterday
(3) Late December. Water temperature 42 degrees. Just standing there.
(1) I guess I don't have to tell you that this doesn't happen very often.
(Taken from Marblehead, January 1, 1999)
(2) For those of you in the warmer climes, this is what a
New England slush storm looks like. You can't shovel it. You sure don't
want to fall in it. And next, it freezes solid like granite. Until Spring.
(3) Sunset at Chandler Hovey. It happens every day.
(1) Debbie Caulkins, one of the world's wonders.
(2) He's worked at the Star of The Sea Church as custodian for many, many years.
We were out back on a very early Friday morning looking around and
he walked out from behind the bushes and asked, "Can I help you with anything?"
(1) Marbleheaders Putt Mace and Rose McCarthy at the Big Tree Fire on January 5th.
(2) It's coming. Welcome to a Marblehead January.
(3) The "Big Tree Fire" at Riverhead Beach January 5, 1999.
It was 18 degrees outside, but it was 80 degrees and hot around that fire.

We start the year with the Estuary. Perhaps Marblehead's
most beautiful and historic site. Until us, it was also
Marblehead's most forgotten asset.