missed, Monica on the mind. sad to say,
there does seem to be some evidence that President Clinton may
not have considered the rleasing of hgih-explosive missles into
Sudan and Afghanistan was not as intellectually capitivating as
the sex ties and audio tapes of his fiasco with Monica. Looking
into the crosshairs, searching for Osama bin Laden, Clinton may
have blinked and missed in more ways than one.
Advisors say he was engrossed in the preparation of a legal brief
for the sex scandal, when the Pentago under his authority attacked
and missed a terrorist enclave, destroying a meager pharmaceutical
production facility and the innocent negihborhood surrounding
it. And all of this is covered on the national news in graphic
detail. Those guys in the Pentagon should remember the old carpenter's
saw, "measure twice, because you can only cut once."
And, even if this is not how it happened, it's the way everyone
thinks it happened.
Then next, he opened his mouth
and removed all doubt department: Bill Clinton was skating
along on the vacuous and evaporative inconceivability that he
and Monica were just playfully teasing each other with sophomoric
touching and talking when the curtain finally came crashing down
on his dream world yesterday. Supporters were left shaking their
In his speech, Bill did two really bad things, forgetting the
three most important good things:
Good Things: First, when you apologize, do it unconditionally.
That is the recognition of error part. Second, the exhibit
true remorse, because only when you feel the wrongness of
what you have done can you approach the third element of forgiveness:
Bad things. What he did do was apologize insincerely for effect
only. It was for disappointing people (it's not him, really, it's
them) and for misleading them (again, he didn't actually
lie, he just left stuff out, misleaadind, that's not lying, really).
And secondly, he decided, after lengthy consultation with highly
paid advisors, that he would launch (shades of Hillary's Right
Wing Conspiracy Theory) a "Kill The Messenger" campaign,
despite the fact that he had just completely legitimized Starr's
investigation by admitting (sort of) that it was all too true.
In his conflagatory defamement of Kenneth Starr, which may be
deserved, he hoped in discrediting the accuser, the accusations
would also be smeared. But, people are smarter than that. However
bad Starr is, it doesn't mean the accusations of messing around
with an intern on the People's time were untrue. In trying to
divert the slime to his pursuers, he headed himself off at the
pass. As he attacked the messenger, he legimitimized the message.
So, up until last Monday night, many of us who like his policies
and were still wandering around in the hazy dimension of "the
benefit of the doubt," where either he was only casually
goofing around with this Monica madness or he was twisting with
guilt and would finally come clean and let us forgive and move
forward. But then the reality hit us when he opened his mouth
and removed all doubt. It reminded me of a nusery rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's men and the King's horses
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Life imitating fiction. Politics
imitating nursery rhymes. The President's stonewall just isn't working.
Can we ever put it all back together again? See you next