I N V O I C E mm/dd/yyyy 00:00:00 A.M. Upon receipt of this invoice, if there are any questions, please call us at (781) 631-0008. Normal terms are 15 days. Invoice/Project Number: 16500 |
Project Description |
Advertisement: Grand Opening, 4 columns by 12 inches (Boston Globe) Creative Production, stock photos, and mechanicals (not including publication materials. |
Activity |
Below is a chronological list of all work performed on this project. It should be noted that Legend, Inc. does not charge for everything we do, and generally we are working from estimates, some written or verbal, some internal based on previous projects and client history. So, the listing presented here is not a listing of all times charged for, rather it is a compilation of the history of activities that went into the final outcome. There is a complete explanation of all products and services mentioned on this invoice, accessible from legendinc.com's front page by clicking on "Business Practices."
1/1/07 |
Project setup, estimated and files assembled...
Stock photo search, some photoshopping...
Initial concepts and layouts, client discussion...
Continuing with layout options, beginning the copywriting...
Finishing the copy, typography (run-arounds and drop caps), layout refinement...
Completing first pass, internal proofing, posting to site for client review...
Client approval (after changes) ...
Second pass posting, client review and approval...
High resolution stock photo retrieval, photoshopping, inserting in project ...
Completing mechanicals to media specifications, preparing for proofreading...
Proofreading, and corrections ...
Posting final to client archives on legendinc.com ...
Finalizing project and archiving files and data ...
Thank you for your business and your confidence in Legend, Inc.