Selectmen's Minutes Index

Selectmen's Minutes

June 25, 1997

Board met in Regular Session 6.30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty, Chairman
Diane E. St. Laurent
William E. Conly
William M. Purdin
F. Reed Cutting, Jr.

Anthony M. Sasso, Town Administrator

MINUTES. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of June 18, 1997. All in favor.

CONTRACT. Motion made and seconded to award the contract to furnish, deliver and apply bituminous concrete and asphalt cold planing for resurfacing to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Bardon Trimount Inc. of Saugus, Massachusetts, for a unit price of $30.70 per ton for all labor, materials, and equipment to furnish, deliver and apply bituminous concrete/top course resurfacing and a unit price of $2.18/square yard and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract on behalf of the Town contingent upon the satisfactory execution of a contract and submission of the required insurance. All in favor.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Letter read from Fire Captain Mathew Antoniello commending the work of Ms. Wendy Bornstein in rescuing a woman in the water near the Barnacle Restaurant on Saturday, June 21. Captain Antoniello's letter stated that he felt without Mrs. Bornstein's act of courage and unselfishness, the woman would have drowned. The Board also commended Ms. Bornstein for the rescue.

RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION. Flynnie's on the Beach. Letter read from Jerrold Wishnow of Bubier Road as it relates to the annoyance to him of the loud speaker system at Flynnie's on the Beach Motion made and seconded to forward this letter to the Recreation and Park Commission. All in favor.

NORTH SHORE HOME CONSORTIUM. Motion made and seconded to enroll the Town of Marblehead in the North Shore HOME Consortium. All in favor.

SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. At 7:45 p.m. the following members of the School Committee joined the Board of Selectmen for a joint meeting: Gretchen Vona, Chairman; Jody Magee, Joan Rosenthal and Ronald Grenier. The purpose of this joint meeting was to interview candidates for an open slot on the School Committee.

The following candidates were interviewed: Eda Green, Nancy Thompson and Martha Mayo. Motion made and seconded to place these three names in nomination. All in favor. Both boards commented on the high caliber of the candidates. On a polled vote, the Boards voted as follows: Mrs. Vona, Mrs. Mayo; Mrs. Rosenthal, Mrs. Mayo; Mr. Magee, Mrs. Mayo; Mr. Grenier, Mrs. Mayo; Mr. Cutting, Mrs. Mayo; Mr. Purdin, Mrs. Mayo; Mrs. St. Laurent, Mrs. Mayo; Mr. Conly, Mrs. Mayo; and Mr. McNulty, Mrs. Mayo. The vote was unanimous for Mrs Mayo whose term will expire in May 1998, at which time she will have to run for election for a two-year unexpired term. Mrs. Mayo is replacing Robert Clayman who resigned effective June 25, 1997.

LICENSE. All Alcoholic Beverage License. Ducrow, Inc. d/b/a Michael's House Restaurant. John Crowley of Michael's Restaurant appeared before the Board requesting permission to pledge his All Alcoholic Beverage License and stock as security for a loan from Pazuk Enterprises, LLC, a California limited liability company. This pledge is for the length of the loan - eighteen months - and Mr. Crowley will notify the Board when the loan has been paid. Attorney Carl King was present. representing Pazuk Enterprises, LLC. Motion made and seconded for approval of this request. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, in favor; Mr. Purdin, in favor; Mrs. St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Conly, opposed, and Mr. McNulty, in favor.

TRAFFIC & SAFETY. Discussion was held as it relates to a request from Robert Macomber, President of the Marblehead Festival of Arts, to provide space for the "Festival Trolley" to take people to Fort Sewall for their Champagne Reception and Culinary Arts Exhibit. Motion made and seconded that the Trolley drop passengers at the MBTA Bus Stop on Front Street in the vicinity of the Fort and have three spaces designated in the turnaround at the Fort for emergency personnel and service vehicles from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. June, 29th. Motion made and seconded to have Police Lieutenant David Millett oversee these provisions. All in favor.

Fourth of July. Lt. David Millett appeared before the Board to discuss traffic for the Fourth of July Fireworks. Motion made and seconded to establish temporary parking and towing regulations at the following locations: Ocean Avenue -- between Pleasant Street and Harbor Avenue. All in favor Beach Street -- between Devereux Street and Ocean Avenue. All in favor. These restrictions will be in effect from 12 noon to 12 midnight on July 4th with a rain date of July 6th. Motion made and seconded to close the Causeway to all motor vehicle traffic beginning at 4:30 p.m. and until advised by the explosive experts and the Fire Chief that all is safe on July 4th with a rain date on July 6th. All in favor. Motion made and seconded to make Ocean Avenue a one-way street, running from Devereux Beach to Atlantic Avenue from 4 p.m. until midnight on July 4th, with a rain date of July 6th. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Lenny Lemieux and the residents of Lindsey Street to hold a block party on July 4th from 3 p.m. until the beginning of the fireworks display subject to Police Department approval. All in favor.

LEASES. Fort Beach Shanties. Motion made and seconded to table the renewal of the leases on the fisherman shanties at Fort Beach pending clean up of the area. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Robert Munro of 11 Mariners Lane to place a dumpster next to his house at the end of Crocker Park Way, with the stipulation that the container not be in place July 3rd through the 6th and July 18th through the 21st. If the dumpster is there on those dates, it will be towed at the contractor's expense. All in favor.

APPOINTMENT. Inspector of Animals. Motion made and seconded to appoint Betsy S. Tufts Inspector of Animals for the Town of Marblehead for a term to end March 31, 1998 at a stipend of $900 per year. All in favor.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Sergeant. Motion made and seconded to place the following names in nomination for the position of Sergeant in the Marblehead Police Department: Robert Picariello, John Blaisdell and Marion Keating. - All in favor. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows: Mr. Cutting, Mr. Picariello; Mr. Purdin, Mr. Picariello; Mrs. St. Laurent, Mrs. Keating; Mr. Conly, Mr. Picariello; and Mr. McNulty, Mr. Picariello. Mr. Picariello was appointed Sergeant.

TAX COLLECTOR Motion made and seconded to table the discussion with Peter Marides. All in favor.

VOLUNTEERS. Mr Conly moved, it was seconded, that a thank-you letter go to Norma Warren and Fred Keith for doing the flowers and grounds around the Old Town House. All in favor. Mr. Conly also thanked Tom Hamond for working on the Doowood tree in that area. Motion made and seconded to thank Theresa Collins for volunteering her time to beautify the outside of the E-911 building. All in favor. Anyone who would like to work on either of these projects should call Norma Warren or Theresa Collins. Mr. Purdin moved, it was seconded, to thank Paul and Diana Wilkinson for their maintenance of the flowers at Fort Sewall. All in favor.

USS CONSTITUTION. Selectman St. Laurent reported that the U. S. Marine Corps. Battle Color Battalion will be collling to Marblehead. They will be performing in one of the parks. James Krebs will be working with the Peabody Essex Museum to have an exhibition on the USS Constitution at Abbot Hall during the visit of the ship. The Navy Band will be playing at Crocker Park. Glover's Regiment will participate in the activities and Phyllis Smith's second and third grade class from the Bell School will participate in the welcoming ceremonies. The Scout Band will be playing. Selectman Cutting reported that a plan to transport the disabled is in place. MBTA buses 441 and 442 from Lynn will be increased.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.

Patricia D. Charbonnier
Administrative Aide 

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