Selectmen's Minutes Index
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Selectmen's Minutes

April 23, 1997

Board met in Regular Session 7.30 p.m. in their Meeting Room in Abbot Hall

Present (constituting a quorum):

Thomas A. McNulty, Chairman
William E. Conly
Diane E. St. Laurent
William M. Purdin
F. Reed Cutting, Jr.

Anthony M. Sasso, Town Administrator

April 23, 1997

HARBORS & WATERS BOARD. Resignation. A letter of resignation from the Harbors and Waters Board from Admiral Louis Zumstein has been received, Motion made and seconded to thank Admiral Zumstein for a job well done and to accept his resignation with regret. All in favor.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Chief John Palmer to return Officer Edgar Doliber to full duty effective Friday, April 25, 1997. All in favor

OLD AND HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION. Letter read from Nash Robbins applying for a vacant position on this Commission. Chairman McNulty said the Board will be accepting applications for this position and any other opening on Boards or Commissions until after the annual organizational meeting in mid-May.

TRAFFIC & SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Letter of resignation from the Traffic & Safety Advisory Committee from Sherrnan Eidelman has been received. Mr. Eidelman has served on this Committee over twenty years. The Board wishes Mr. Eidelman well in his new career. Motion made and seconded to accept his resignation with regret. All in favor.

PERMISSION. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Roger Tremblay, Cubmaster, Pack 76, to use a portion of Turner Road on Sunday, May 18, 1997 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to allow the Cub Scouts of Pack 76 to race their cubmobiles subject to Police Department approval All in favor.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Fire Chief Maurais to appear before the Finance Committee to request a transfer from the reserve fund in the amount of $12,995 for injury leave bills and tires. All in favor.

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Indemnification. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Chief John Palmer to indemnify Officer Lori Cameron who received a minor injury on June 16, 1996. All in favor.

LEGION BUILDING. Chief Procurement Officer Rebecca Curran appeared before the Board to discuss the process of disposing of the Legion Building. Over the last six months? Ms. Curran has solicited input from Department Heads. It has been determined that it is no longer needed for any municipal use now or in the near future. Input was also solicited from the public. Many letters of interest were received from various groups. If the Town is to sell it, they would have to declare it surplus and add any reuse they wish to add. Discussion followed on the possible uses of this building. Natalie Bloom, 391 Ocean Avenue, Carol Twadell of 5 Rainbow Road and April Frost of 35 Puritan Road spoke on behalf of the Marblehead Arts Association and their desire to use the building. The Town is going to ask Town Meeting for the authority to dispose of the building.

8:00 p.m. - Selectman Conly arrived.

Charles Gessner, member of the Finance Cornmittee, stated that the Finance Committee will want to see some linkage between the disposal of this building and the purchase of the Guide property..

POLICE DEPARTMENT. Detective Marion Keating and Kristin Reardon. Juvenile Justice Coordinator of the District Attorney's Office, appeared before the Board to discuss the Juvenile Diversion Program. This is an alternative to the court process offered to first-time nonviolent juvenile offenders. The offenders do community service within their own community. Motion made and seconded to endorse and implement this program. All in favor.

LITTLE HARBOR WAY. Wayne Attridge of the Board of Health appeared before the Board along with John Epham, Municipal Manager, North Shore District, Massachusetts Electric Company; Richard P. Standish. Vice President of Haley & Aldrich, Inc., to provide the Board with information on the residual problem on Little Harbor Way as a result of the manufacture of gas on that site from the mid 1900's to the early 1900's. This property is currentlv owned by Mr. and Mrs. Alden P. Hathaway. Mrs. Hathaway expressed her concern about the slow progress. Further borings will be taken on Gas House Beach in early June. The following neighbors spoke their concerns: John Fisher of 39 Orne Street, Judy Anderson, 31 Orne Street, Moira Roberts, 39 Orne Street, Thomas Allen 31 Orne Street. Motion made and seconded to request an update on the progress being made on this project by Massachusetts Electric on June11, 1997 at 8 o'clock. All in favor.

PROCLAMATION. Letter read from David Smith, Chairman of the Marblehead Book Drive Fund, informing the Board that a book drive will take place in Marblehead on Saturday, May 3, at the parking lot of the Old North Church, and Sunday, May 4, in the parking lot of Temple Emanu-EI from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. rain or shine. Motion made and seconded to declare Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4 as MARBLEHEAD BOOK COLLECTION DAYS. All in favor. Books received in this drive will be distributed on three levels. Some local, some to regional agencies in Boston and Appalachia and the third allotment will be sent to schools overseas.

PERMISSION. Abbot Hall Auditorium. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Linda Hodgkinson of the Chamber of Cornmerce to change the date of her request to use Abbot Hall Auditorium from May 13 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. to Tuesday, May 20 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. All in favor.

Parking. Letter read from Linda Hodgkinson of the Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Frank Pellino of Pellino's Fine Italian Dining at 261 Washington Street requesting permission to reserve three parking spaces in front of the restaurant for the period of Friday, July 11 at 4 p.m. through Sunday, July 13 at 8 p.m. Motion made and seconded to approve this request subject to Town Administrator Sasso's review. All in favor.

PROCLAMATION. Motion made and seconded to proclaim April 25, 1997 to be Arbor Day in Marblehead and urge the citizens of Marblehead to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and support community tree care programs and to plan trees to gladden the hearts and promote the well being of present and future generations. All in favor.

LICENSE. One-day Wine and Malt License. Motion made and seconded to approve, if needed, the request of Rev Dennis J. Burns. Pastor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish, to have a one-dav wine and malt llcense for a wine tasting party on May 23, 1997. All in favor.

PEMISSION. Road Race. Motion made and seconded to approve the request of Nicolle Cote Assistant Fitness Director ofthe Jewish Cornmunity Center, to hold a 5-mile Twin-Town Road Race on Sunday June l at 1:00 p.m. subject to Police Department approval. A11 in favor.

MINUTES. Motion mlde and seconded to approve the minutes of April 16. 1997 . All in favor.

Motion made and seconded to go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, votes may be taken, if they are, votes will be released at a time deemed appropriate by Counsel, not to resume in open session. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows Mr. Cutting, in favor: Mrs. St. Laurent, in favor; Mr. Conly, in favor; and Mr,McNultulty, in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Patricia D. Charbonnier

Administrative Aide

* Each week the Selectmen Minutes are published by the Selectmen's Office. Marblehead_News-Digest publishes them on the worldwide web without change or comment. Any corrections, comments or additions should be EMailed to, and they will be published within a few days.

Selectmen's Minutes Index

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