The Marblehead Board of Selectmen Minutes
November 5, 2003

The Board met in Regular Session at 7:30 its meeting room at Abbot Hall.
Present (constituting a quorum):
Jeffrey N. Shribman, Chairman
William M. Purdin Judith R. Jacobi
William L. Woodfin, II Harry C. Christensen
Anthony M. Sasso, Town Administrator

MINUTES. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of October 29, 2003. --Four in favor one present.
PERMISSION. Staging. Letter from David Benson, of Aspen Roofing Services, Inc., 4 Florence Street, Salem, requesting permission to extend the time period (previously approved by Board for steel staging to be present in front of 22 Atlantic Avenue) until November 14, 2003. Motion made and seconded to approve the request. All in favor.
FIRE. Rip Tide Lounge. Letter from the Ciampa Family, Owners, expressing their appreciation to the Fire and Police Department personnel and other members of the community for the assistance rendered to them on the morning of November 4 in connection with a fire at the Lounge. The letter also expressed the Family’s plans to have the Lounge operational by Thanksgiving with a limited menu to be served in the bar and dining area until the kitchen is fully constructed.
HARBORS AND WATERS. Letter from Liz and Tad Gillespie, expressing their appreciation to the Harbormaster’s staff in connection with their rescue off of Eagle Island.
REQUEST TO APPEAR. Discussion on the request for a hearing before the Board made by Lance I. Layne, Esq., attorney for Alwin Alkonis, 137 Pleasant Street concerning use of the premises known as 6 Anderson Street by James Spina, d/b/a Auto Werks. Spina is first to appear before the Building Department and Board of Appeals concerning violations cited at the premises and therefore, unless issues are resolved prior thereto, all interested parties will be invited to appear before the Board of Selectmen on December 10 to address this matter.
APPOINTMENTS. Council on Aging. Linda Hall, 7 Watson Street and Pamela Foye, 7 Spring Street, appeared before the Board to interview for the position available on this committee. Motion made and seconded to nominate both applicants. All in favor. Motion made and seconded to appoint Ms. Hall to the position with a term to expire of 2005. All in favor. On a polled vote as follows:. Mr. Christensen: Ms. Foye; Mr. Woodfin: Ms. Hall; Mrs. Jacoby: Ms. Hall; Mr. Purdin: Ms. Hall; Mr. Shribman: Ms. Hall.
VETERANS SERVICES. Veterans’ Day Ceremonies. David C. Rodgers, Veteran’s Agent, appeared before the Board to give an update on the ceremonies at Abbot Hall on November 11. VFW Post 2005 Commander Harry C. Christensen to be master of ceremonies. Doors to open 9:30 a.m. with the service to begin at 10:30 a.m.
APPOINTMENTS. Finance Committee. The Board previously interviewed the following citizens for three openings on the Finance Committee: Richard A. Forbes, William P. Corbett, Jr., Harold Owens Nichols and Eric Gilliland. Motion made and seconded to place all names in nomination. All in favor. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows for one of the two positions which expire in 2006: Mr. Christensen: Mr. Corbett; Mr. Woodfin: Mr. Forbes; Mrs. Jacoby: Mr. Corbett; Mr. Purdin: Mr. Corbett; Mr. Shribman: Mr. Corbett. Mr. Corbett was appointed to the Finance Committee with a term to expire in May 2006. On a polled vote, The Board voted as follows for the additional position which also expires in 2006. On a polled vote, the Board voted as follows for this position which expires May 2006: Mr. Christensen: Mr. Forbes; Mr. Woodfin: Mr. Gilliland; Mrs. Jacoby: Mr. Gilliland; Mr. Purdin: Mr. Gilliland; Mr. Shribman: Mr. Gilliland. Mr. Gilliland was appointed to the Finance Committee with a term to expire in May 2006. A motion was made and seconded to invite persons interested in filling the third vacant position to apply by December 3, 2003 and that the letters of intent received from Richard A. Forbes and Harold Owen Nichols be kept on file. All in favor.
DEFIBRILLATOR PROJECT. Golf Day at Tedesco. Motion made and seconded to send a letter of appreciation to Tedesco Country Club for the use of the Club’s facilities in connection with this event. Motion made and seconded to send a letter of appreciation to Emergency Medical Services Committee for their efforts in connection with the defibrillator project.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. All in favor.

Ursula M. Kretschman

Administrative Aide

Selectmen's Minutes Index